Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just a quick update!!!

Hey Yall. I was just going to write and let everyone know that i will be having surgery on my left knee on May 17,2010. Please keep me and my family in your prayers cuz i have this feeling we r gonna need it. Promise to write soon. Lots of love.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

New 4-8-10

Hey Everyone!!! Since I last blogged I have had a birthday, YAY so now I am 15!!! I'm so happy!!! Well here lately I have been miserable because I fell and hit my left knee on the edge of a metal be frame. Sucks Huh!!! Well even though I had just got done with physical therapy I had to do more so that I could get an MRI to find out what was wrong. Well I finally got my MRI yesterday and went to see my ortho today and no surgery for now. The main tendon in my knee is pulled to the point of being torn (surgery) but for now there is nothing we can do. In a normal person it would take this injury about 4-6 months to heal but as most people know I'm not normal. He also said I needed to do more pt to make the recovery progress faster but I found out today that my beloved Physical Therapist, Antonio, quit today. I'm not the type of person to go against doctors orders but I think for once I will. I have been to more than one pt but Antonio has been the best. He helps me work through my pain without making me miserable and he does my exercises with me. He is leaving though which has got me very sad. Living with EDS is tough, very tough, but I have a great support system of family, friends, doctors, and an awesome boyfriend to help me get through hard times. I really wish I could help all of the other people out there with EDS but I cant because most of them are misdiagnosed and have no clue that they have it. I struggle with pain and problems everyday of my life and I havnt given up. I encourage every person out there with a disability (i hate that word) to be strong and just remember that you are not limited, you can do anything you want to no matter what anyone else may say. I hope you all have a great night and I hope to blog again soon!

Lots of Love,

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hello All

Hey everyone...It has been a while since I've wrote and i'm sorry...Since I last blogged I have been diagnosed with not only EDS but also with Pain Amplification Syndrome which makes me hurt 100 times worse than the normal person with EDS. As of right now I am bed ridden because my spine has subluxed which caused my ribs to shift and it is making me be in excruciating pain. It also is making it very hard to breath because my ribs are right beside of my lungs instead of having the normal wiggle room. The reason that I have to stay in the bed is because if my spine shifts any more they would be on my lung which willl cause them to collapse. Scary Huh? I have met a few people with EDS over the past couple of months and it has been a great experience to find that there are more people out there. If anyone needs advice or something like that feel free to message me or go to where you can find an online support group for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome along with a ton of other problems you may be having. Well I better go for now so that I can get some rest. Lots of Love to Everyone!!!

Sarah Ann